Hawkeye Ep. 5: The stage is set, and it's grown considerably

Daniel Lubofsky
8 min readDec 15, 2021

If Episode 4 is widely regarded as the one where Marvel’s Disney+ shows produce some of (if not) their best work, I would like to point out that the second-to-last episodes have all done a great job at setting up a thrilling finale.

Hawkeye is no different, and the show continues to impress with its ability to seamlessly switch between the moments that make me laugh and those that cause a lot of allergies to spontaneously materialize around me.

With that…


Biggest Takeaway: This show has scaled so well and I can’t wait to see how it ends (even if I have no idea how it will)

Think about where we were at the beginning of the show. At first, there were no problems. Just Clint trying to spend time with his family before Christmas and Kate coming home from college.

From there, we get the following:

— The Ronan suit reappears. Kate steals it and is seen wearing it in public.

— Seeing the Ronan suit in action triggers the Tracksuit Mafia and their leader, Maya, who seeks to avenge the death of her father by killing his killer, who is Ronan.

— Because Kate stole the Ronan suit and got involved in all of this, Clint needs her help…



Daniel Lubofsky

I write about the NBA, MCU, other movies/shows and any other topic I feel like.